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Add a Question to the CBSE questions–marking-scheme database

NOTE: This tool is for adding questions and their official answers to the database. The questions and answers should be according to the marking scheme released by CBSE.

  • I am, in no way, associated/affiliated with CBSE.
  • The submission of this form is not a guarantee that the question will be added to the database.
  • The question will be reviewed and then added to the database.
  • I am not responsible for any misuse of the data provided here.
  • The data provided here is for the sole purpose of helping students and teachers.
  • The data provided here is not to be used for any commercial or illegal purposes.

Guide to add images:

  • To add images, upload the image to the CBSE Asset Uploader and then use the following code to add the image to the content, OR, use the copied code from the asset uploader.
  • <img src='/assets/{subject}/{source}/{set}/{year}/img/{filename}' alt='Image'/> content_copy
  • Please do not re-upload the images if they are already uploaded. It will only increase the server load.

  • You are recommended to name the file as per the guidlines given:
    • For questions: q{questionNumber}{imagenumber}
    • For answers: a{questionNumber}{imagenumber}
    • For MCQs: q{questionNumber}{option}

Guide to adding questions and their answers:

  • For MCQs, select the question type as MCQ and then add the options and the correct option.
  • For subjective questions, select the question type as Short Answer, Very Short Answer, or Long Answer and then add the answer and the marks.
  • For subjective questions with subparts, select the "Has Subparts?" checkbox and then add the subparts.
  • If the marking scheme lists the answer as "Any one/two/three... of the following", then please add all the possible answers
  • If the marking scheme states that any other answer is acceptable, then please mention the same in the "Answer" field(s).
  • If the marking scheme states that the answer should be in a specific format, then please mention the same in the "Answer" field(s).
  • If the marking scheme provides multiple value points for an answer to a question, then please add those disctinct value points in new answer fields. For example, if the marking scheme states that the answer as "Point 1" for 1 mark and "Point 2" for 1 mark, then please add two answer fields with the respective points and marks.
  • The same follows for subparts as well.
  • Use the `Add Answer Part` button to add multiple answers/value points for a single question.
  • Use the `Add Subpart` button to add multiple subparts to a single question.
  • For case-based questions, add the case as a question and then add the questions and answers as subparts.
  • Please use basic HTML formatting for the questions and answers. For example, use <sup> for superscript and <sub> for subscript.
  • Also, use line breaks after adding images in the question and answer fields.
Note: If you've accidentally added a subpart or an answer part, please leave it empty and it will be ignored.

MCQ Very Short Answer Short Answer Long Answer Case Based Science Social Science Mathematics English Hindi Sanskrit Information Technology
Add Answer Part
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